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Writer's pictureAndy Przybyla

And now for something completely different!

As the news was finalised for me today I dare say it's a good time to let the cat out of the bag...

As some will know I like to take a photo or two and have classed myself as an amature photographer for some time, take a look at some of my disco pics to see if you like them.  It's also been my long time dream to complete the education I started a long time ago albeit not in the same field.  Today a dream has come true as I have been now both accepted into university and given the finance to do my studies. 

It was something I had planned to do 5 years ago but the time wasn't right so I started the disco business instead and have worked away at that until such a time as I am able to commit the time and resources to a long term study project.  I will be attending the University of Sunderland in one of the countries best photographic departments to study Photography, Videography and Digital Imaging.  The BA Hons is a 3 year endeavour and something I will fit around my current commitments.

Of course this is not just a flight of fancy, I intend to put these new skills to work, even before the end of the course and will be launching another new business under the Sexy Enterprises banner once I feel I am ready.  So Andy P Photography (*final name subject to change) will join, Disco Couture, Disco Couture Photo Booth, Electrotester NE and Sibtech in my small business empire.  I know I don't push some of them as well as I should but there is plenty time to expand in the future.

The dream and goals are twofold with me wanting to set up a small studio of my own but also to expand my offerings in the wedding market and use this position to strengthen the brand and get to the clients earlier in the cycle as photographers come a lot earlier in the hiring cycle than discos do.  More still as you can imagine I can't do this on my own so another goal is to create a business with employees and premises and step up to the next level.

Now don't worry if your already a client your booking is safe, will be carried out to the very best of standards, this is simply to fill up my week days with something productive and better than Jeremy Kyle, Loose Women and Judge Rinder.  It might take a little longer on some days to get a reply but that should be all that changes.  In fact, you might end up getting some free photography as I build up my portfolio.

Andy P

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